Contact Us |
Staff |
Bethel Union Evangelical Free Church
#310 Highway 761 Box 231 Leslieville, AB T0M1H0 (403) 729-3763 [email protected] |
Senior Pastor
Iran Pedraza Office Hours Tuesday & Thursday 9am-1pm |
Fall & Winter ProgramsJAM
JAM is our kids program that runs during the school months, and is held on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 pm at the church. The program is for kids in Grades K through 6. - Thursdays at 7pm - Youth Group Youth grades 7-12 are welcome to participate in our Youth Group. There will be Youth Bible Study on Thursdays @ 6:30pm and Youth Activities a few Fridays a month at 7:00pm. - Check Upcoming Events - Men's Bible Study Men of all ages are encouraged to come to the Men's Bible Study that meets two Mondays a month at 7pm. - Check Upcoming Events - Adult Discipleship Series An Adult Discipleship Study Group led by Pastor Iran meets every Thursday at 7pm. Everyone is welcome to attend. - Thursdays at 7pm - Men's Breakfast Men's Breakfast is the first Saturday of every month at 8:30am. This is a time of food and fellowship. Men of all ages are welcome. - 1st Saturday of the Month - Ladies' Food & Fellowship Ladies' Food and Fellowship is a potluck luncheon on the second Saturday of every month from noon-3pm. Ladies of all ages are welcome to come for a time of food, fellowship and a fun activity. - Check Upcoming Events - Spring & Summer ProgramsSummer Study
Stay tuned for our Summer Study dates. |
Service InformationSUNDAY SCHOOL for all ages 10am
SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICE Live and on Zoom 11am KIDS ZONE for children ages 1-4 available during service Upcoming EventsFEBRUARY
Donations/Tithes/OfferingsE-transfer is available and can be made to [email protected]